Compare to earlier days in current scenario because of increased web traffic and availability of internet to huge number of people the level of difficulty in getting the required information from internet is rising significantly, However, on a positive note, several proxy servers are available in the market which plays vital role in various aspects like improved speed, security, and privacy, etc.
Advantages of Proxy servers
- Privacy
- Command over internet usage
- Better internet speed
- Security
Best Proxies in the USA
1. Smart proxies
Residential Proxies
- 10,000,000 proxies
- No subnets
- 99.99% uptime
- HTTP(s) proxies
- No setup fee
- Great 24/7 support
- Price: $75/year
Shared Proxies
- Unlimited IPs
- 40,000 proxy pool
- Advanced proxy rotation
- Over 100 subnets
- 99.99% uptime
- No setup fee
- HTTP(s) proxies
- Price: $50/year
2. High proxies
Private category
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 1.40$/month
Shared category
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 0.64$/month
Social media category
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 2.60$/month
Classified category
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 2.45$/month
Ticketing category
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 2.25$/month
Private VPN
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 6.00$/month
Shared VPN
- 99% UP time
- No setup fee
- 24/7 support
- Price: 3.50$/month
3. Squid Proxies
Private category –
- 10 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 2.40$/month
- 25 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 1.92$/month
- 50 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 1.74$/month
- 100 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 1.60$/month
- 200 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 1.45$/month
Shared category –
- 100 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 1.00$/month
- 250 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 0.90$/month
- 500 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 0.80$/month
- 250 proxies
- Instant setup
- Price per proxy 0.65$/month
Get Started with Squid Proxies
4. SSL Privateproxy
- Private – Unlimited bandwidth, Dedicated IPs, 1.75$/month
- Instagram proxy – Unlimited bandwidth, Dedicated IPs, 2.68$/month
- Pinterest proxy – Unlimited bandwidth, Dedicated IPs, 2.24$/month
- Classified ads proxy – Unlimited bandwidth, Dedicated IPs, 3.60$/month
Get Started with SSL Privateproxy
5. Lime Proxies
Private category –
10 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 100 MBPS speed
- 9$/month
25 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 100 MBPS speed
- 24$/month
100 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 100 MBPS speed
- 99$/month
Premium category –
10 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 1GBPS speed
- 9$/month
25 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 1GBPS speed
- 100$/month
50 proxies:
- Reliable 24/7
- 1GBPS speed
- 150$/month
Shared category –
- 50 proxies: Price per proxy 1.30$/month
- 100 proxies: Price per proxy 1.10$/month
- 250 proxies: Price per proxy 1.00$/month
- 500 proxies: Price per proxy 0.65$/month
Private category –
- 10 proxies: Price per proxy 2.00$/month
- 25 proxies: Price per proxy 1.90$/month
- 50 proxies: Price per proxy 1.80$/month
- 100 proxies: Price per proxy 1.50$/month
- 250 proxies: Price per proxy 1.40$/month
- 500 proxies: Price per proxy 1.20$/month